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HATCHEDit.com: An Online Calendar for Families

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

HATCHEDit.com: An Online Calendar for Families

This past week, I had the pleasure of hosting a blogger party with Megan and Kirsten; co-founders of Hatchedit.com.  An amazing group of women came together to learn about this new online tool which helps families stay organized.
The Ladies who came out for the Hatchedit.com Blogger Event!
They all went home with amazing loot from Mirassou Winery and The Container Store!

When you log into HATCHEDit, you can create an account for your family to keep track of all your events and tasks to make managing everyone's schedule easier.  The calendar allows you to connect as many as eight children to your account, each with their own username and password!  Each family member is marked with a unique color code so that their events are categorized.  The calendar even has the ability to set up recurring events that span certain days and organize events according to different categories, i.e., travel, work, academics, medical appointments, playdates.  You can even invite people to events and set permissions so only chosen people can see your events.  It's a pretty neat tool that gets rid of long, confusing email chains.  Hatchedit makes organizing events much easier for everyone in the extended family!

One great feature of Hatchedit is groups.  You can invite certain people to join your group and start discussions that everyone in the group can see.  It's pretty fantastic!  HATCHEDit groups would be great for planning a holiday meal ("Who's bringing the mashed potatoes?") or a family vacation ("How many bathrooms do we need in our cottage on the Cape?").  It's neat, tidy and easy to manage -- all in one place!

Hatchedit even allows for you to set up a personal blogfeed and newsfeed, so you can keep up-to-date with your favorite sites.  And, let's not forget the curation tab, where you can post images and keep track of your favorite things.  It's all right there on your dashboard when you log in!  Beautiful!

And, best of all, HATCHEDit is FREE!  So log in today, start organizing your family's busy schedule, and don't forget the app for your Android device!  You can download the app in the Android Market or at Hatchedit.com.  The iPhone app will be coming out in just a few short weeks.

Get yourself a free HATCHEDit.com account and you'll be able to invite family members to dance recitals, organize school pick-ups, playdates, notify baby-sitters of important dates, manage PTO meetings, and golf outings all in one place!
I was compensated for this post.  All opinions are my own.  

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