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The Puke Bug

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Puke Bug

My kid missed both days of preschool last week because his crazy mother was deathly afraid of catching the dreaded bug that everyone I know on Facebook seems to be status updating with.
Photo from Fit Sugar:  Great tips for battling the stomach bug
  • "Now Steve's got it."  
  • "Luke had it on both ends!"
  • "I have an idea to discourage teenage pregnancy....as part of sex ed class they should be required to do a 48-hr internship at a household with small children when the whole family has the throw-up bug."  (This, by the way, seems like a genius idea, C.W)
I will not be a victim.

I ask my kids every hour, "is your stomach ok?"

Our hands are crisp and crackly from too much hand washing.  I sneakily pull down my sleeve over my hand before touching any doors at preschool or work and hope for the best.  I got wind that the dreaded bug made an appearance at the home of our cute little baby-sitter - so I didn't let her come over yesterday and even canceled ballet!

I bought some shares in Wet Ones and Lysol.

"Anyone missing from school today?  Why do you look so pale?  Was that a hunger growl?  Why am I cold, do I have a fever?"

I will not throw up.  I have a problem, but it seems to be working.

How are you coping?

I should also add that lice is back in town.  Again?  Yes, again.  "Anyone got an itchy head?"  So picture this:  me, digging around in my own scalp in front of the bathroom mirror - looking for nits, bugs, and grays ~ may as well.  So far, I seem to be OK.   Heavens to Betsy.  Is it spring yet?



Blogger Kelly said...

You and my sister (BeingLoopy) are the EXACT same! I feel like the stomach bug is a black cloud hanging over us. I know it's going to hit, I just don't know when. Until then we wash, wash, wash our hands and try to stay stomach bug free. Keeping my fingers crossed that both of our houses stay "bug" free.

5:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I've got everything crossed! I actually would like to thank my social media platforms for keeping me healthy! Facebook has clued me in as to who to avoid! WIthout it, I would have been puking weeks ago!

5:46 PM  
Blogger Dollops of Diane said...

I am so afraid that it is going to hit our house. I feel like everyone in town has it. How much longer can we hold out??

11:24 PM  

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